This Navy SEAL Devised A Wild Plan To Trap And Expose A Package Thief

By: Lisa Lee | Published: Jan 19, 2022

A third of packages sent within the United States never reach their final destination. The cause is not due to faulty processes committed by shipping companies or crooked delivery services. The real reason is more sinister, and honestly, pretty infuriating. 

Package thieves, also known as package pirates, are the culprits. These are individuals who walk up to people’s front porches to steal mail. Since few people have cameras tracking their front doors, these brazen thieves often do not get caught. Fortunately, our Navy SEAL hero devised a plan to catch these selfish people red-handed. The story is a wild ride, so get set for some twists and turns!  

Navy SEAL’s Booby Trap Spoils Thief’s Plan

This Navy SEAL had one too many packages disappear, and his annoyance and frustration quickly hardened into a sense of determination. He was not going to accept this bad behavior. Deciding that such thievery needed to stop, he took matters into his own hands.



Meanwhile, the thief was enjoying each day, watching the front porch fill up with goodies. That was until this Navy SEAL hatched a plan to catch his enemy and have the thief learn a hard lesson.


Package Pirates Wait For The Right Opportunity

Thieves are very careful to not get caught. Though they are always hunting for packages to steal, the circumstances must be right for them to do their dastardly deed. First, the package must be unmonitored. Only when they are sure no one’s looking will they take the opportunity to strike.



In their heart of hearts, they are hoping that the packages they steal contain something valuable inside. But Arthur Russell – our heroic Navy SEAL – no longer wanted to be a victim of these pirates. He could no longer stand by and let these thieves steal his stuff.

A Lesson Thieves Need To Learn

Arthur Russell has been with the Navy SEAL forces for quite some time. He knows the value of discipline. He simply cannot tolerate any form of disorder. It would be a shame if he did not put the knowledge he gained as a Navy SEALs to good use.  



A lot of people who have been in the forces are kind and selfless. Going through rigorous training helps to strengthen their resolve. Russell was one of them, but watching a thief get away with zero consequences was not something he could tolerate. 

Pretend It’s Yours And Take It

Porch pirates do not care what’s inside the packages they steal. Usually, Russel would order toilet paper. Sometimes he would have car parts delivered. Thieves would get both and not even feel guilty.



Arthur reached his breaking point. He could not allow such selfish disrespect to happen under his watch. Though he did contact local authorities to report the incidents, his complaints were not heeded due to the ‘insignificance’ of the items taken. Clearly, Russell had no choice but to take matters into his own hands.

Vengeance Is Mine

Calls made to the police station did not produce results. The cops were not at all interested in Russell’s stolen packages. To be fair, they had bigger problems on their hands. Russell’s anger slowly developed into seething frustration. He had to take action.


He figured that the next time these package bandits ventured onto his front porch, they had to be taught a lesson they would never forget. Russell is a committed man. When he thinks of a plan, he never stops until he sees it fulfilled.


In The Navy

Arthur Russell went through rigorous Navy SEAL training. Part of his job was to complete life-threatening assignments during Unconventional Warfare situations. He did not only possess physical stamina, but he also had a sharp mind.


Perhaps if they’d known who they were dealing with, the thieves would have thought twice about stealing packages from Arthur’s front porch. Is taking a Navy SEAL’s stuff worth it in the end? These pirates found out the answer to this question in a way they never expected.


The Booby Traps Are Ready

Unfortunately for the thieves, Russell was very fond of making booby traps. He specifically liked putting together mechanical items. His booby-trap-making skills were excellent. It was time to take revenge and make the pirates fall for his trap.


Initially, Russell thought of using a box for his trap. He later changed his mind as he figured this would be too easy. His goal was not to make the thieves stop stealing his packages – he wanted them to stop stealing forever.


Striking A Delicate Balance

While Russell wanted the package pirates to get a taste of their own medicine, he also did not want to hurt them. He did not want trouble from the authorities. His objective was to keep thieves away from everyone’s front porches.


Therefore, Russell decided it would be best to frighten them. However, he did not know how to do that in an effective but harmless way. The process was tricky. His intention was to make the thieves drop his package and never want to pick up his stuff ever again.


The Exploding Package

After much thought, Russell was able to come up with a solution. He decided that a minor and harmless explosion would be the best thing to do. This plan had an element of surprise as thieves clearly would not be expecting anything to explode.


Plus, the idea was not at all lethal. No one would be harmed in the execution of the trick. Though Russell really wanted to physically hurt the thieves, he knew it would not be in his best interests if he did. With that settled, it was time to start working on his plan.


Shopping For Ingredients

Thanks to Russell’s Navy SEAL experience, he was able to create a precise list of all the ingredients and parts he needed to make a safe explosion happen. He went to a hardware store and bought everything. We wonder if the cashier found his shopping choices suspicious.


It would be a bit hard to believe if he tried to say these things were all for home repair. Fortunately, the cashier did not ask what the items were for. So, Arthur did not need to explain his suspicious haul.


Putting It All Together

Arthur Russell finally had the ingredients required to make his plan work. All he needed to do was execute it. Assembling everything was not easy. He had to put all the pieces together in just the right way. He also had to make the box look like any normal package.


With the booby-trapped box complete, Russell couldn’t help but smirk. He could not wait to put it to the test. He went to his backyard to give it a test run. Lo and behold, the trap worked the way he wanted it to, but there was a problem.


The Trap Was Too Loud

In Russell’s first trial, he discovered that the noise the box emitted was too loud. It was loud enough to make his ears go temporarily deaf. However, in the second test, he ensured that his ears were covered. So far, all his tests were successful.


Russell was so excited to see all his plans come to fruition. However, he had one more vital piece of equipment to pick up before he could put his plan into action. What’s the point of a booby trap if no one gets to see it? With this in mind, the Navy SEAL bought and installed a security camera.


Smile For The Camera

Since Russell was at work during the day and would not be able to see his plan executed, he installed a subtle camera in a position that gave him a clear view of the porch thieves. He did not want to miss this opportunity.


With the camera installed, Russell only had to sit back and watch. He did not have to wait long. The unlucky thief came at the right time. Russell got his first pirate on the same evening he installed the camera.


First Pirate Of The Day

The camera was perfectly positioned atop the door. Its small size saved it from being seen. When the first thief arrived, Russell was able to see the person from his phone, which was connected to the installed camera.


At first, he thought the pirate would act suspiciously. Much to his surprise, however, the thief walked casually towards his porch as though she owned the place and had every right to be there. Russell was similarly surprised to see that the thief was actually a female.


The Coast Is Clear

Russell was taken aback by the woman’s behavior. The thief walked to his front door and rang the bell. Her intent was to see if there was anyone in the house. But upon seeing the motion sensor light, the thief became hesitant and walked away.


Russell saw that the woman returned to a getaway car parked in front of his house. He also saw that the woman was not alone. There was a man in the car who appeared to be gesturing for her to go back.


Fireworks Galore

The woman was persuaded to go back and pick up the package. She then approached the porch the second time. She first looked around to see if there was anyone watching. When she picked up the box, a loud explosion rang out.


The thief was terrified. She ran away from the house and went back to the getaway car screaming. She was so frightened that she dropped her cellphone on the porch. Russell was happy with the result of his plan. 


The Magic Inside The Box

The booby-trapped box Russell made had a plate and a firing pin that kept it from being launched. The pin was connected to the knob of his front door. A thief who intends to steal his package can move the box and not have it explode, as long as it is not picked up. 


As soon as the box is lifted, the plate gets detached. A loud explosion is then heard. The plate is triggered and becomes detached every time the box is lifted in the air. The end result is the firing pin shooting off a 12-gauge blank shotgun tip.


Is The Explosion Legal?

According to state law, Russell’s booby trap is prohibited. The making of such an explosive mechanism requires a permit. Loretta Cool, a police spokeswoman, confirmed that though the box fired a blank, the process in which the device was assembled is illegal.


Unfortunately, though Russell’s plan to thwart thieves was a success, the police disliked him taking matters into his own hands. They did not respond positively to Russell’s ingenious device.


The Booby Trap Is A No-No

The police spokeswoman confirmed that Russell indeed crossed the line. Though a crime was indeed being committed by the thieves, it was not right for Russell to set up a trap that could cause them harm. 


Loretta also advised Russell that he could be in trouble if the pirates were injured and pressed charges against him. Though Russell successfully protected himself from thieves, his actions did not get a nod from the authorities. The Navy SEAL was understandably frustrated by this.


100% Safe

Russell believed that the booby trap box he made was 100% safe. He specifically designed it to only scare away porch thieves, not injure them. He also put it through numerous tests before laying the actual bait and attracting a real porch pirate.


To remove any doubts about its safety, Russell even placed tomatoes inside the box to see if they would be harmed in any way by the device. When he checked them after the explosion, it was confirmed that the tomatoes were 100% intact. 


The Legal Way

Though Russell’s bobby trap worked perfectly, he wanted to make sure it was also legally sound. He knew he was not the only person who disliked porch thieves. So, he wanted to come up with a solution that would work while avoiding legal issues. He agreed that booby traps can be dangerous, especially if they are made incorrectly.

Russell soon discovered that he could avoid legal trouble by placing a sign on his property that said, “No Trespassing.” He also put a note on his bang box that said, “Beware.” The purpose of these signs was to make thieves be aware of the consequences of their deeds. If future porch bandits choose to pick up the package, they cannot claim that they haven’t been warned.


Mission Possible

Arthur Russell is committed to giving porch pirates what they deserve. He cannot contain the joy he feels when he catches greedy thieves. Others in Russell’s position would have stopped because of the legal issues involved, but Russell did not want to back down.


He liked giving justice where justice was due. The box he made has not injured anyone so far. Therefore, he knew that he should not let a legal hurdle stop him from setting up his traps. He was just getting started.


New Thieves

Russell did not have to wait long before a pirate decided to steal his package. He was more than ready to give these bandits some real bang for their buck. So, when he saw someone going for his unattended package, Russell smiled in anticipation of the surprise they were about to receive.


Russell’s satisfaction upon seeing the result of his efforts was unbounded. He had long stood by passively as the packages he bought with his hard-earned money were stolen. Now, he was getting payback. In Russell’s own words, “I know it’s crude, but there’s nothing scarier than a 12-gauge.”


The Hunt For Porch Pirates

Though the police were not pleased with Russell’s traps, they were unable to do anything as no one pressed charges against him. They also decided to finally pay attention to Russell’s reports about his stolen packages.


Thanks to Russell’s smart idea, more than 20 thieves were frightened away and were not able to steal. Their identities were also recorded on video thanks to Russell’s high-quality camera. This detail enabled the police to track them down one by one and bring them to justice.


Catching The Culprits

Anyone who has ever had something stolen from them will relate to what Russell was going through. The joy and satisfaction he was experiencing whenever he caught a thief red-handed were more than enough to keep him going. 

Jobs For Felons Hub / Flickr

Though it was the exploding device that gave Russell the most joy in the moment, the footage he was able to gather of the porch pirates allowed authorities to find and identify the culprits. Thanks to his recordings, a lot of thieves were captured, and in turn, this cut down on criminal activity within his area.


With A Little Help From His Furry Friend

Russell had a trusted ally in his quest to catch porch pirates. His cat Boots was always there to help him. Back then, Boots was an eight-year-old feline with a cute face and a calm personality. His age did not stop him from doing what was right. 


Russell was pleasantly surprised when he discovered that Boots shared his love for catching thieves. They were partners in ridding the world of porch pirates. But what did Boots actually do to contribute to the project?


Kitty Litter Surprise

Boots only had to do what cats regularly do – eat and poop in his litter box. Russell decided to have a lot more fun with his plans. He thought of making a booby trap by putting Boots’ poo inside a used and empty Amazon box. 


He was so excited to see what the thief’s reaction would be. Russell placed the kitty litter inside the package box and sat back until another package thief decided to take it away. Imagine the thief’s reaction when they discover that the box only contained cat waste.


It Did Not Go As Planned

When Russell put the litter inside the old Amazon package, he was excited to see another porch pirate pick it up. He was so amused at what he saw. The thief probably thought the package contained treasures beyond his wild imagination.


Unfortunately, the pirate got a sniff of what was inside and opened it before leaving Russell’s porch. When he saw the litter, he threw the box on the ground. It lay there a few meters from Russell’s house where a neighbor saw it. Unfortunately, this neighbor was not pleased when he saw Russell’s address on the box.


Booby Trap Garbage

Though Russell’s neighbor was not a fan of the box full of cat poop, he liked the note Russell left in the box for the pirates. On the note, Russell congratulated the thieves for securing themselves a box of cat poop and a felony conviction. 


However, Russell’s neighbor did not like the idea of poop being casually thrown about on the street. His neighbor did not want to find kitty litter strewn around the neighborhood. It was unhygienic and potentially hazardous to the health of locals. Surely, there was a better way to catch thieves.


Friendly Advice

Arthur Russell’s neighbor could not help but give him a piece of his mind. Though it was friendly advice, the neighbor expressed his desire to keep the street safe and clean. The neighbor suggested that Russell be more creative in his efforts to catch porch pirates.

Russell had an open mind and so considered his neighbor’s advice. He had to brainstorm once again and think of another way to stop thieves in their tracks. He made a futile attempt at putting garbage in the box, but it did not work. Fortunately, he had another wonderful idea he could not wait to try.


A Glittery Surprise

Russell’s next idea was the complete opposite of his original 12-gauge blank shotgun trap. He thought of putting a balloon inside a box as well as confetti and glitter. Once the box is opened, a balloon would pop out, and the thief would be covered in glitter and look like a silly clown.


In Russell’s mind, the idea was not bad at all. The trap required a pin connected to a lever. The lever would be triggered anytime the box was opened. Unfortunately, the plan was not a success.


Right Or Wrong?

Placing glitter in the box was a fresh take of the booby trap Russell originally made. However, it did not deter thieves as it did not make them run away. Adding blank shots did compensate for such a shortcoming. 

Video screenshot by Bonnie Burton/CNET

Still, people on the internet could not help but share their two cents about Russell’s plans. Some believed that Russell’s traps were completely unethical, while some thought he was doing the right thing. A few claimed that Russell was being too vengeful and needed to stop.


Do Porch Pirates Deserve Their Fate?

Victims of porch thieves have a clear idea of the fate they want these pirates to have. They also believe that a “porch pirate” is a very kind description that does not fit the deed they commit. Most people agree that they deserve a more insulting description. After all, these thieves are stealing precious items from your own doorstep. Some of these packages may indeed be quite expensive or quite essential if the package contained medicine or other necessary daily items.


Many people think that such thieves deserve to be punished. Stealing people’s packages is the same as stealing someone’s hard-earned money. Besides Arthur Russell, another porch pirate victim is Christine Hyatt. She has also had enough of these bandits, but her story differs greatly from Russell’s.


The Proliferation of Porch Pirates

Currently, there is a wave of porch piracy going on in the United States. So far, no effective solution has been presented to combat such acts. Christine Hyatt has been one of the victims of these thieves. Fair warning: You may want to have some tissues handy before reading her story.

Christine is a mother of a girl who has diabetes. She always shops online for the medications and equipment her daughter needs. Unfortunately, despite the importance of these orders, porch thieves often intercept them.


No Honor Among Thieves

More than 20 packages have been stolen from Christine’s front porch. Six of these contained medication her daughter desperately needed. Imagine the anger and frustration Christine felt upon knowing that this vital medication had been stolen.


Just like Russell, Christine has had enough of these package thieves. She will no longer stand by as these pirates rob her family. So, she decided to create bait boxes. Her whole neighborhood was being targeted by these bandits, so the homeowners were supportive of her efforts.


A Potential Threat

Porch pirates have the gall to casually approach someone’s front porch and take their belongings. This is a clear sign that they could do more sinister deeds, such as breaking into someone’s property. Their presence also affects residents’ well-being and peace of mind. 


Christine and Arthur Russell are united in their fight against such bandits. They believe these criminals need to be stopped. Thieves must be made aware that homeowners are not stupid and will take action. However, not everyone is pleased with the approach homeowners use to combat porch piracy.


A Debate Ensues

Various social media platforms are filled with people discussing their opinions about the topic of porch piracy. Reddit is filled with threads about this subject. Some took the side of the homeowners while others defended package thieves. 


A few Reddit users are pro-pirates and warn people that robbers can actually sue homeowners for any trauma they experience while stealing stuff from people’s front porches. Some also believe it is not the bandit’s fault if your property is accessible and prone to thievery.


Invalid Points

Comments from social media users who are defending porch thieves are unbelievable and disheartening. Who knows, they might even come from the porch pirates themselves. The internet is filled with all types of people who are not ashamed to present their invalid arguments and false analogies online through anonymous posts.


The fact remains that anything sitting within a homeowner’s territory clearly belongs to them. This includes packages left on their front porch. Anyone who takes any item from someone’s property is a thief – this includes anything and everything, even a flower.


The Solution

Fortunately, a lot of people have publicly sided with Christine and Russell. Numerous homeowners expressed their hatred for porch bandits. Plenty confirmed that they have also been the victims of such criminals. No one deserves to have their packages stolen from them. 


The social media discussion also centered on how cops seem to be unsuccessful in catching and punishing such bandits. Justice would be better served if authorities were proactive in prosecuting such criminals. This would send a clear message to would-be package thieves to not trespass on other people’s properties. 


What Do You Think?

If you were in Christine or Russell’s situation, would you also take matters into your own hands, or would you let the cops do their job? What other solution do you have to stop these crimes? Would it be better than Russell’s booby traps?


Remember that despite the lax attitude the authorities seem to have about porch pirates, taking matters into your own hands can backfire. Clearly, you do not want to find yourself in the backseat of a police car. The best way is always the safest way – avoid legal issues and maybe use a secure post office box for receiving packages. 
