Hilarious Headstones That Bring Levity to The Graveyard
When you think of your local cemetery, perhaps the last thing on your mind is laughter. However, life is too short to be sad and miserable. We must remember our passed friends and loved ones with joy and fondness.
For these graves, the deceased member or their family thought that adding a bit of humor to their headstones would go a long way. Let’s pay our respects by laughing along, just as these funny people intended.
All Rise
You won’t be able to get a rise out of this guy, but don’t hold it against him. When people use their names to make a joke, it’s good stuff. When they use it on their tombstone it’s even better.

Why? Because you know they’ve been listening to those jokes their whole life. Even though they probably grew sick of it in their youth, they decided to be a good sport and leave us with the gift that keeps on giving. What a nice thing to do.
A Bright Idea
In life, Sal Giardino was known as a character. In death, he wanted to be known as an electrician.

We think this is a pretty unique way to have yourself remembered.
Some Possible Foreshadowing?
It seems as if George had a premonition…

Short, and straight to the point George made sure his last thoughts were clear.
Cash Only Please
We LOVE everything about this headstone. With one glance you are able to tell so much about Rita.

Most importantly you can see she had a wonderful sense of humor!
No Way Out
One way! Whoever this headstone is for showed their sense of humor to the very end.

At least their statement is clear and leaves no opportunity for visitors to get lost.
One Last Game
This headstone is more heartwarming than hilarious, but we had to share it anyway!

This headstone was created as a tribute for Paul who loved to play you will never guess…Scrabble!
Play on Words
Not sure if this is a real headstone or a good sample for fonts, but it provides a good chuckle nonetheless.

However, if that is a real name, what a good job from the parents who were that forward-thinking. Then, to the guy, who wanted to keep the fun going by making a joke as his final words to the world. This serves as inspiration for all of us to be open to a great closing line while we still have time.
The Last Matching Outfit
We’ve all seen those shirts on people out in the wild that say possibly insulting things about the partner they’re with. Imagine taking that into eternity.

Matching headstones where one is proclaiming the stupidity of the other is especially interesting when you realize they both died on the same day. Is the person on the left stupid because of whatever they did to take them both into the netherworld together? Perhaps this was their family’s way of making light of an actual dark situation. Kudos all around.
Deathly Art
There’s an art type for everyone. You can literally throw paint on a canvas and sell it for a pretty penny. Or even a banana duct-taped to a wall. There is no limit.

So, making a work of art out of a headstone is the next big thing. This grave has to be a statement and something that will be considered art for millennia to come. Hopefully, there’s info about the person somewhere, like a name and dates. Either way, it will be talked about.
We Love A Good Cat Lady
You’ve got to love a headstone where someone is ok with poking fun at themselves.

This one in particular is even topped with an adorable cat statue.
The Truth Shall Set You Free
There’s nothing like an encouraging pep talk to help you get prepared for that next step in life. Even if that next step in life is actually when it’s over.

A reminder of what’s to come can help put things in perspective. When you’re young, you’re invincible and have the whole world ahead of you. Suddenly, you wake up one day and you’re 85, wondering what happened to the time. Never look at an older person and laugh. That will be you one day. If you’re lucky.
You Are What You Make Your Tombstone
Okay, living in a time in history where the rate of technological advances is off the charts has to be viewed as exciting. When the computer came out, that just accelerated everything.

So, why not have a final monument to the life-altering invention? When you think about it, humans have always built statues and memorials of things and people they cared deeply about. Computers are just the most modern example. It’s just unfortunate this person had to pass away before the new thin monitors came out, but that’s another subject.
Have A Seat
If you’re tightly attached to someone who has recently departed, the last thing you want to do is leave them. That’s what this person had in mind when they were making final arrangements.

Technically, you can sit down and stay awhile now that there’s a couch. This isn’t just any couch, though. Not only is it stone, but it’s deep. That means you can curl up and perhaps even give a good read to the grave. A pillow is included. Could they have been more thoughtful? No.
Win Some, Lose Some
When you know the end is near, that’s when you have the most clarity about life and the decisions you made while active in it. Some things went better than expected but some things did not. That’s life.

What’s also life is having a good sense of humor. Sometimes you have to embrace a lighthearted approach to some dark topics. Just like this headstone did for death.
Sing 'em Off
Bring the crowd together when they come back to see you for years to come with a little ditty we all know and can sing along with. Music is what brings people together and this is the feel-good tune that will warm the hearts of visitors who know you and don’t.

It shows some character, too. You had some good humor and liked leaving on a memorable note. This headstone will be a talking point for this graveyard, forever and for always.
Finally, Caught a Break
Parking can be one of the biggest pains, especially if you live in a big city. Not only can it be nearly impossible to find, but also off-the-charts expensive. Places like Chicago and New York City can cost upwards of $65 or more for one night’s use of a parking spot. That’s if you can hunt one down.

Today, with all the apps and tracking, you’d think it would be much easier to get a spot, but no. Now, these two can rest eternally in the city of their choice in their own personal parking space.
Was it Always a Mask?
A song by Christina Aguilera goes, “When will my reflection show who I am inside?” That is the vibe coming off of this headstone. Was the person buried trying to insinuate that they weren’t exactly sure what they were leaving behind?

Were they trying to convey you don’t know who they really were? Perhaps they wanted to leave those who visit with a thought-provoking art piece. Whatever it was, we definitely have some thoughts. The kind of legacy you leave behind is all that is left, in the end.
The Big Rest
It’s a story as old as humanity. A parent of young children can’t go to the bathroom without little feet following closely behind. You don’t even need human children for this, pets do just fine.

The constant need to be in your business does not stop after childhood. Some kids stay nosey forever. This woman clearly had enough. After all these years of being hassled, Joan is ready to tuck in for the long sleep. Do not disturb. It’s in writing.
Thoughtful Angel
“Where did I go wrong with this one,” Brusa’s angel pondered while peering into the grave. “Oh well, I have some time to think about it.” If you believe in reincarnation, this is an opportunity to plan better next time. This angel is going through all the things that happened in an effort to analyze the results.

Was this what was wanted? Was there a better way to get to a better place? Maybe the angel is just lovingly watching over the person they guarded. There’s so much opportunity for interpretation here.
In-person Summons
No need to wait until you get home to try and connect with the other side. This guy wants you to connect right where you are, no travel necessary. All you need to bring is something to move across the headstone.

The real message here all along was to “Goodbye” in the bottom. This person wants to bid farewell to those who came to see them off. Also to all the future visitors.
Killing Me Softly
When someone is constantly complaining about something to do with their body, mind, or soul, it might be a good time to listen. Of course, the hope here is that this is a funny way to see yourself out, but you really never know.

On a side note, it would be a great thing to add to your headstone if you were a habitual wearer of high heels. Everyone knows how uncomfortable and damaging those things are. Weirdly, that never stops people passionate about shoes from donning them on a regular basis.
Cheeky to the End
There has never been a more asked question in all humanity than, “What happens after life?” Unfortunately, it takes passing away to be able to answer that question.

So, that makes this headstone feel like a taunt from beyond the grave. Yes, we get it, you have all the answers. If you have some info, feel free to share it in the form of a dream or a ghostly visit, won’t you?
Happy Life, Happy Wives
Everyone makes questionable choices. At some point, it’s painfully awkward when more unsavory decisions are made as opposed to productive ones. But when it’s all said and done, you might as well own up to the things that happened. After all, it’s your story now.

This guy realized that and found a way to turn the situation into a poem. At least his nieces and nephews found a way to make his life lyrical. The best part is that they made a point to focus on the fact that he did have a good time living it up. In the end, that’s really what matters.
McDonald's Cemetery
Who sponsored this graveyard? Anyone with the last name of Soda or Shake around?

These two individuals probably did not know each other in life, but boy do they add a touch of whimsy to a place filled with sadness. What a catch.
Will You Answer the Call?
If you have to be the one in charge of finding a way to properly remember a loved one, why not throw caution to the wind and do something fun? Kim’s family saw an opportunity and pounced on it. This is a fun tribute to someone that probably had a good sense of human and would have appreciated it.

The image is also something of a time capsule, given the fact that no one has phones like that anymore. She was probably frequently seen in life using a phone and that warms the hearts of her family. Well done.
I Told You So
We all know someone who is a know-it-all. Some people just can’t let things go. Although rare, that sentiment can be taken to the grave.

To be fair, if you have told people a multitude of times that there was something wrong and you weren’t feeling well, it makes sense. You’re allowed one more time to rub it in that you were onto something. Being right and not being heard was what helped you get to this point in the first place. Perhaps it stands as a lesson for everyone going forward who catches a glimpse of this message.
Gaming Into the Beyond
They say a love like this comes but once in a lifetime. So, even when your partner is gone, the game of love just sits idle.

This couple was separated for almost nine years, but Sharol made sure to keep their favorite pastime part of their legacy. Is there a more playful headstone? Probably not. It’s unique and tells a story, that’s really all we can hope for when we’re gone. Even if the people visiting the grave have no clue who you are, they know something about you now.
Honesty is the Best Policy
Teenagers are notorious for thinking everything is dumb. So, it seems quite fitting that this 16-year-old’s headstone had to have a snarky remark.

One of the most popular movies of the 90s would still have been a big talking point when Micah was laid to rest. This is touching even more when you realize that the real line, about seeing dead people from The Sixth Sense, is more relevant now that they can.
Get Off My Actual Lawn
Living only into your mid-40s is a bummer for anyone that misfortune comes to. So, if you have to go out midlife, you might as well leave others just as confused as you are about it.

Is he fighting the inevitable by trying to break out of the grave? Is he about to yell at the youngsters for being too loud? Is he just taking a peek outside to see what he’s been missing out on? Hard to say but having people ponder on it will keep his memory alive well beyond what his condensed life allowed.
These are the Facts
When things are going great, the last thing you want to do is permanently depart. Heck, even when things aren’t great you don’t want to go!

This person made it very clear where they rather be.
Pity the Fool
If you have to go, you might as well have company, right? That’s what this guy does for the deceased located below. If you had to pick one person to keep you company into eternity, wouldn’t it be nice for that person to be a jokester? Certainly, that was the hope.

A few jokes to help distract from the current predicament would be appreciated and might even help. Can this guy muster up some funnies or is he too sad about the departure to come up with anything? He definitely does not look like he’s in the mood.
Bimmer and Beyond
There’s a love of cars and then there’s this. It’s not every day that a person makes the executive decision to take their car to their grave. When it comes to car collections, especially luxury brands, people get very passionate about their favorites.

Some are eager to pay millions of dollars to get the specific year of a make and model from their dreams. This person was just not willing to part with their BMW, not in this life or the next. There’s no question about what was important to this person.
Celebrate the Skiddley Jiddley Gees
The most fun people in life are the ones who invent words and make them part of their daily life.

This man’s family truly appreciated the way he referred to things. His language made him extra special in their eyes, so they wanted to make sure others would know about it, too. This thoughtful headstone will be noticed by many as time marches forward.
Tell Us How You Really Feel
If there was ever a great reminder to update a will, this is it. A message like this clearly was not written by the person who is deceased. Perhaps it was by an ex-spouse. This spouse was the executor of the will and in charge of things like the headstone.

The person who died, like many of us, put off updating the will after a breakup. So, when the day came, the ex did not hold back. This is the last jab at the person who left, and it’s both sad and entertaining.
Oh Fudge
There are some recipes that are so exclusive that the creator swears to take them to the grave. But not Kay. As a final gift to the world, she shared her fudge recipe.

Not just to her family and friends, but literally anyone who passes by her physical resting place. Etched in stone, Kay put her whole recipe to ensure the creation of great fudge.
Most Wonderful Cookie of the Year
How many tasty recipes are we missing out on by not touring graveyards? These cookies sound great and we can imagine them being served every year for decades with love and care.

Everyone from far and wide looked forward to having one at Christmas. They were the statement piece of the party. Thanks for sharing, mom.
Not What it Seemed
At first glance, you think this is going to be another play on words. Surely something funny is coming with a name like Dawn Under, no?

Then, there’s a curveball that wasn’t expected. Oh my, what was going on here? Is it funny, or is it not? He told us once but I forgot. So tell us now, and tell us true, so we can know if we should laugh, too.
Last Testament
Unfortunately, when you have children, you can’t get their opinions on anything beforehand. That includes whether or not they want to be here in the first place.

Just as rudely, death does not consult them either. You have no say whether you’re here or when you want to go. Or how. Perhaps this Chattanooga citizen still found a way to make it worthwhile.
Forward to 10 Friends Immediately
We’ve all seen the eerily dark message forwarding chains that promise an early demise or eternal bad luck if you don’t forward to your friends. Thankfully, a plethora of those passive-aggressive threats have simmered down over the years.

Unfortunately, that hasn’t shut them down completely, but you have to believe we’re getting there. This poor person claims they met their ultimate demise by not forwarding the message.
Too Far From Cairo
For as long as we can all remember, we’ve known about the famed pyramids of Giza. Their magnificence was saved for the gods incarnate. Not mere mortals. That doesn’t keep us lowly peasants from wanting one of our own. Does it?

As dreamy as it is to imagine being remembered in such a glorious and space-wasting way, could you imagine doing that for literally every person who passes? Or even just saving the honor for heroic people. There isn’t enough land to make that work. Perhaps a headstone will do for now.
Mother of Priorities
This is a sweet testament to the chaos of life. No life fits into a perfectly shaped box with a bow on top. There’s messiness and at times discomfort. There’s also love. So much love comes in unexpected, unplanned ways.

In having four girls, this person found beauty in what was given. You never know what’s around the corner, all you can do is react. How you react will be a testament to your experience. When you react with love, it’s love that you get back. How sweet.
This Couple’s Got Jokes
We get the vibe this couple had a fun-loving relationship. This husband and wife duo took the expression “I told you I was sick.” a step further and added a retort: “And I was sick of hearing it.”

Couples that laugh together definitely stay together.
Keep On Smiling
One man decided not only to create a powerful message, but to turn it into a smiley face for added impact

Though the message may be harsh, you can’t help but smile when you look at this headstone.
A Sweet Tribute

This tribute perfectly captures Montogomery’s role as Samantha- a witch in Bewitched an American fantasy sitcom television series.
Straight To The Point
We have got to respect the bluntness of this headstone. “Well this sucks” is clear, concise, and to the point!

You can’t really argue with a sentiment like this.
What's So Funny?
I’m sure when this person agreed to have their initials put on their headstone back in the day they never thought today’s generation would get such a kick out of it.

Last century’s initials, this year’s Laugh Out Loud.
Gotta' Keep Laughing
Life’s too short to be serious all the time…

and apparently that goes for death, too.
When You Take Your Hobbies Seriously
“Finally a hole in one,” this funny fellow wrote on his headstone. This is exactly the sort of dry humor we’d expect from a golfer.

I wonder if this was his first, ever hole in one?
Oh Well Whatever
Mrs. Lola lived to the ripe old age of 81. When it came time to fill out the paperwork for her headstone it’s hard not to get the feeling she was all out of deep insight.

“Oh Well What Ever” was all she had to say.
R.I.P. Santa
We hate to imagine a world without the magic of Santa Claus, and we’re pretty sure his hypothetical passing would be an absolute travesty to any kids.

This would be a pretty evil prank to play on kids but it does make for a hysterical gravestone. Not to worry, kiddos. Santa is alive and well checking his list and checking it twice.
Room for Rent
You have to applaud the creativity of this headstone. While it doesn’t tell us anything about whoever is laying in this resting place, the creativity speaks volumes.

This could be an ad for a real apartment in a city. We love the callout to the neighbors being “dead quiet”. Genius!
A Pal
This is definitely not the first time someone has had a headstone created for a pet, but it might just be the most creative. Frosty had a long life of 11 years and we like to think it was a happy one so we can enjoy his humorous gravestone guilt-free.

Our favorite part has to be the distinguished photo of Frosty. His headstone is fancier than most humans! Simply, he was a pal and for that reason we hope he rests in peace.
Alone At Last
We like to imagine the person resting here was a lovable grump based on the amazing line, “Now go away and leave me alone”. They finally got the peace and quiet they desired.

Not to mention the interesting architecture they’ve got going on. We hope they’re resting peacefully in that house.
98 Years Strong
Whoever wrote this headstone definitely knows how to make us laugh. It’s giving us a plot twist we love.

While murder is no laughing matter, Samuel made it to age 98, against all odds. Bullets, bayonets, and beatings couldn’t take him down so he must have been one strong dude.
Positivity Persists
Tony Owens must have been a real optimist in his time on earth. Yes, it does look bad Tony. We’re glad he can have a sense of humor, even from the grave.

We wouldn’t necessarily call dying a temporary setback. It’s kind of a permanent thing. But we love headstones like this that tell us so much about who these people were!
Leave a Message After the Beep
Anyone waiting on Merv to respond to a message is going to be waiting a long time. By a long time, we mean forever.

Headstones like this use just the dark humor we know and love.
Kicking the Habit
We’ve all had a bad habit that was difficult to kick. It looks like this person found the cure to quitting any bad habit: dying.

While it’s pretty extreme, it is effective. We’re sorry it took such an extreme measure for this person to kick the habit. But thanks for the funny headstone!
Politics in the Afterlife
If we’ve learned anything, it’s that people put interesting things on their headstones. It looks to us like someone who didn’t know Bill that much wrote his gravestone.

Someone’s political beliefs seems like a random fact to put on someone’s resting place, but the random fact does make us giggle.
Chatty Kathy
We love this commentary on Helly being a chatty Kathy. You have to appreciate this kind of humor.

She might have talked a lot of peoples’ ears off, but ironically, she is now out of breath.