From Dying Lake to Gold Rush: The Salton Sea’s Emergence as a Calfironia Treasure Trove

By: Georgia | Last updated: Mar 21, 2024

The Salton Sea, a lake located between California’s Coachella and Imperial valleys, has historically been known as a resort destination. Recent studies, however, have highlighted its potential new role in California’s economy. 

A U.S. Department of Energy report reveals that this body of water might be central to California’s next significant economic boom, not for tourism, but for lithium—a key component in modern technology.

Vast Lithium Reserves

Lithium reserves large enough to produce batteries for almost 375 million electric automobiles may exist in the Salton Sea.

A close-up image of a raw lithium metal sample with distinctive striations and metallic luster, displayed against a white background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The lake now has a prominent role in the global movement towards renewable energy sources as a result of this finding. The discovery of such vast lithium resources, sometimes known as “white gold,” highlights the lake’s possible influence on the renewable energy industry.


Global Significance: A Major Lithium Source

The Salton Sea is now recognised as having one of the world’s greatest lithium brine reserves, and its significance goes beyond regional limits.

A small red and white electric car plugged into a charging station with a green and yellow 'Renewable Energy' sign, parked on a cobblestone street with buildings in the background

Source: Wikimedia Commons

This finding might have a big impact on the lithium market worldwide, which is essential for making batteries for electric cars and other electronics.

UC Berkeley's Analysis

Teams of researchers from the University of California, Berkeley, have examined the amounts of lithium present in the local geology.

Satellite image showcasing the Salton Sea with its deep blue waters against the pale desert landscape, bordered by agricultural fields forming a patchwork of green squares

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Computer models they have developed to estimate lithium’s potential yield over the next thirty years are part of their study. According to these predictions, the region may develop into a major lithium supply, which would have an impact on a number of sectors, including consumer electronics and renewable energy.

Potential For Alleviating Poverty

The local economy might experience a boom from the possible lithium extraction, especially in locations where poverty is a common occurrence.

Desolate landscape showing decaying and abandoned structures, including a rusted-out bus, on the barren, salt-encrusted ground of the Salton Sea shoreline

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The U.S. Census Bureau estimates that 21% of people in the area are living in poverty. The emergence of a lithium sector may lead to the creation of jobs and economic expansion, providing a fresh avenue for prosperity.

Government Finding Confirm Lithium Reserves

For a considerable time, the presence of lithium in the Salton Sea was known but the exact amount was undefined.

Birds perched on a rocky breakwater and wading in the shallow waters of the Salton Sea, with a shoreline strewn with rocks and debris in the foreground

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The recent government report provides concrete figures on the amount of lithium available, offering a clearer picture of the lake’s potential in contributing to the United States’ lithium supply.


Focusing on Domestic Lithium Production

Jeff Marootian, from the Department of Energy, highlights the report’s significance in shaping a national strategy.

An open electric vehicle battery pack on display, with rows of individual battery cells connected by orange cables, set against the backdrop of an informative exhibit

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The focus is on developing a domestic lithium industry, which could enhance the United States’ position in the renewable energy sector while creating jobs and strengthening the national supply chain.


The Salton Sea's Evolution

The Salton Sea, California’s largest lake, was formed accidentally in 1905 when Colorado River floodwaters breached an irrigation canal.

Blue waters of the Salton Sea with a single pickup truck parked on a narrow strip of land jutting into the lake, with white salt deposits visible in the distance

Source: Wikimedia Commons

Over the years, it has been sustained by agricultural runoff, leading to increased salinity and impacting its ecosystem. Its potential role in lithium production marks a new chapter in its history.


Environmental Challenges

The Salton Sea, however, faces significant environmental challenges. It is experiencing a reduction in water levels and increased pollution, affecting local fish and wildlife populations.

Three bare, leafless trees standing in the silty soil of the Salton Sea's shore, with a hazy view of the water and a mountainous backdrop in the distance

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The prospect of lithium extraction presents an opportunity to address some of these environmental issues while tapping into a valuable resource.


Health Concerns

Research from the University of California, Riverside, has highlighted the lake’s environmental decline. In the past 25 years, the Salton Sea has lost about a third of its water.

Numerous dead fish floating in the shallow waters of the Salton Sea, near the pebbled shore, indicative of environmental stress in the ecosystem

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The exposed lakebed, coated with toxic substances, contributes to air pollution and respiratory problems among nearby residents.


Lithium's Environmental Impact

The development of the lithium industry in the area could lead to further environmental changes.

View from an airplane window showing a wing over the expansive Salton Sea with adjacent agricultural fields

Source: Wikimedia Commons

As the lake shrinks, the extraction of lithium may offer a pathway to lessen some of the environmental and health issues currently plaguing the region, transforming a crisis into an opportunity for sustainable development.


A New Era for the Salton Sea

The Salton Sea stands at a pivotal moment, with the potential to transition from an ecological concern to a vital resource in the renewable energy landscape.

A peaceful scene at the Salton Sea with clear waters reflecting the mountain range in the distance, framed by palm trees on the shore, and old pier posts protruding from the water

Source: Wikimedia Commons

The extraction of lithium could not only revitalize the local economy but also contribute significantly to the broader push for sustainable energy solutions.
