April Fools’ Day Pranks That Will Make You Burst With Laughter

By: Lilli Keeve | Last updated: Aug 23, 2023

There’s that one special day each year when people can pull pranks on each other and it’s perfectly acceptable. Yep, that’s right – April Fools’ Day is upon us.

We’re positive that this list of pranks will put a smile on your face and even give you some potential ideas. Here’s to all of you mischievous folks out there. Happy pranking and happy April Fools’ Day!

A Sweet Surprise

In families, there’s always that specific person who enjoys taking long showers. So, this sweet prank is spot-on and will surely surprise your family member. First things first, you have to sneak into the bathroom without being caught. And, hard candies are required.


Source: Imgur

Unscrew the shower head and put some candies inside it. Then, re-attach the head and wait for your victim’s shrieks. They are in for a sweet and sticky surprise in the morning (and their hair will be a sad sight). 


A Fish Tank In The Office

Office pranking, just like pranking in general, can be considered an art. For instance, office pranksters have engaged in numerous pranks, such as freezing a coworker’s desktop, applying wrapping paper on their cubicles, or fooling them with a fake computer virus. Remember the episode of The Office when Jim put Dwight’s stapler inside a jello blob? 


Source: Imgur

In this case, the prankster engaged in putting a fish tank in their coworker’s desk drawer. So, when they open it – surprise! There’s some fishies swimming around. 

When Toasters Talk

Technology today definitely feels futuristic. With all of the talking devices, being able to control a fan or heater from your phone, and self-driving cars, it feels as if the possibilities are endless. So, this prank doesn’t seem that far from reality. 


Source: uproxx.com

A “voice-controlled” toaster? Well, that’s a first. Poor granny was having a conversation with this appliance for 15 minutes and couldn’t figure out what was going on! Happy April Fools’ Day – sorry for doing this to you, grandma. She clearly didn’t notice the sticker on there. 

All Eyes On You

Opening the fridge should be comforting, not frightening. So, going so far as to put googly eyes on every item in there to scare your significant other is quite a bold prank! Likely, they got a pretty good laugh out of it when they opened the refrigerator door. 


Source: u_chiquitamichi/ Reddit

This lady had a lot of time on her hands to successfully execute this prank, but we’re sure that her husband loved it. Also, the fact their fridge is that stocked is impressive. Jealous! 

Scarier Than Anything On Halloween

This prank took us aback for a minute, as it looks terrifyingly real. While Halloween is the perfect day for indulging in all-out pranks that give your friends and loved ones near heart attacks, this is fitting for April Fools’ Day.

Source: u_NeoshadowXC/ Reddit

For this prank, the man printed his face on paper, put the paper in a jar, and filled it with green water. It gives off the illusion that his head is actually squished inside the jar! This is actually pretty awful, but also kind of awesome. 


A Bit Of A Reach

Ok, this prank is plain mean! While pranks are meant to be lighthearted and not mean-spirited (most of the time), maybe this went too far. The person’s girlfriend is short and loathes pranks, but he just couldn’t resist pulling this one. 

Source: u_hawtcore/ Reddit

While we wouldn’t be too thrilled if this was us, it’s impressive how he got the toilet paper rolls to balance like that. Truly, that’s like a work of art – the Leaning Tower of Toilet Paper Rolls! Maybe his girlfriend got back at him. 


Air Horn Madness

Pranks can be really mean, but this one is high on the list of evil ones. Imagine being on the toilet and not realizing that when you flush, an air horn will go off. That’s horrifying. Surely, the reactions are priceless!

Source: Imgur

To be even more devious, you can set up an audio recorder to have a live recording of their reactions. Later on, you can even replay how your coworker or friend sounded when they got startled and screamed. Quite the evil prank, right?


A Car Lovers Nightmare

We all rely on our cars to get us to and from places. And, when something happens to your car it can feel like the world is over. If you have ample time on your hands, this prank will only take you a few hours (and 25 rolls of plastic wrap or cling film) to properly execute. 

Source: Imgur

The good thing about this prank is that it doesn’t do any damage to the vehicle itself, it’s just a pain to have to unwrap it all. Needless to say, whoever you’re pranking won’t be pleased. 



Wow, this one just hurts. Imagine seeing a box of Krispy Kreme donuts on your desk and getting excited about that glazed treat, but there’s just a box of veggies, instead. How evil! 

Source: 6inchWalker/ Twitter

For some people, maybe they’d happily relish in the healthy veggie deliciousness. For others, if they were expecting yummy donuts and didn’t get them, then that would be quite a disappointment. We have to admit that this prank is equal parts rude and equal parts genius. 


Slippery When Wet

Yeah, this prank is very obvious, but it’s still hilarious. For those who love visual gags and quippy puns, then this is for you! Putting a wet floor sign on top of a kicking board, and letting it float, was the doing of a prankster extraordinaire. 

Source: Imgur

It’s a silly prank, but it will ensure some giggles. If you are at a pool on April Fools’ Day, maybe try this out. Even if you annoy the people there, you can make your mark. 


Clowning Around

Many people absolutely hate clowns. The phobia for the fear of clowns is called “Coulrophobia” and is a phenomenon. It’s not a laughing matter by any means, but this prank is!

Source: u_dawnkyung/ Reddit

This woman’s boyfriend went all out and decided to put a clown head cutout inside different parts of their home. It clearly gave her a massive shock, even going as far to say that she “pissed herself” several times. Jeez! The boyfriend succeeded and should be proud of his expert work. 


Not A Good Morning

This prank may have been funnier if a kid did it to their dad or mom. But, a grown adult man doing it to their wife? Sure, it might be amusing for them, yet it was probably an irritation to their partner! 

Source: 88pieces_ Instagram

It’s annoying to have to get a chair and reach up for the remote yourself. Hopefully, the husband and wife had a good laugh about it afterward. There’s no harm in a little fun and pranking every once in a while! 


Hallway Full Of Water

Students going to school on April Fools’ Day don’t have any idea of what to expect. This class clown and dedicated school prankster decided to do something worthy of getting everyone’s attention.

Source: Imgur

They decided to cover the entire hallway with water cups. How did they even do this? Maybe they had fellow pranksters assist them. Also, they must have snuck into school at night to pull this off. The prankster gets an A+ for effort and for time and dedication of the whole prank.


Cardboard Coworker Imposter

Wow, this prank is very impressive and well-thought-out! Before this guy went on vacation, he thought it would be comical to leave a cardboard cutout of himself. He’s an imposter made out of cardboard! 

Source: Imgur

He placed himself in between two bookshelves. So, naturally, when he left work for a few weeks, his colleagues were shocked. We can only assume that this guy became a prank legend in his office. Talk about making a lasting impression! 


A “Green” Keyboard

Sometimes the best pranks are the ones that take the longest to prepare. This prank required lots of preparation and patience. It took months or weeks to grow the seeds for the prank to work in time for April Fools’ Day. Surely, the effort paid off in the long run. 

Source: Imgur

We can only picture what the colleague’s face looked like when they saw little sprouts growing from their keyboard! They must have been so baffled and, perhaps, amused at the prank. 


Hospital Ghost

April Fools’ Day is not the day to overlook a straightforward costume prank. If anything, it’s the perfect day to appreciate simplicity! Our prankster here decided to show off her ghost outfit to prance around the hospital, scaring people. Not the best idea for a hospital. 

Source: Imgur

Maybe the girl was able to put a smile on a patient’s face. Hospitals can often be depressing places and lack any cheeriness so this must have been a delightful sight. But, we hope nobody got a heart attack! 


A Blast From The Past

Being the new person in an office can be nervewracking, and they’ve probably endured their fair share of initiation pranks. Everyone else just wants to test you to see what kind of employee you are. Whether the prank is cruel or baffling, it’s usually harmless. 

Source: Imgur

In this prank, the prankster went old-school and put an ‘80s Mac computer on the new person’s desk. They were probably so confused and wondered if they were being pranked. Yep, they certainly were because it’s April Fools’ Day! 


Creepy Doll Prank

Dolls are just plain disturbing. For some, they don’t creep them out at all, but others are deathly afraid of them. This mischievous prank must have resulted in the prankee being terrified out of their mind. 

Source: Imgur

Working a night shift in an office can already be a little spooky, so add a creepy doll into the mix and it’s like a horror movie. This person, however, was not amused by the prank and was probably irritated. Oh well, it was a good effort even if the reaction wasn’t what the prankster wanted! 


Balloon-Filled Room

For those workplaces with a fairly cool boss, this trick would definitely work. And, you will likely be able to get away with it. However, if your boss isn’t the laid-back type, then this isn’t the type of prank to pull in the office. 

Source: Imgur

Fill the office with a ton of balloons and voila – you have a guaranteed reaction on your hands. Whether they are surprised or annoyed, your coworkers and boss will have something to say about the colorful array of balloons. 
