Heartwarming Photos Of Adorable Rescue Dogs Finding Their Forever Homes
Rescue dogs have gone through hardship their entire lives, so it is no surprise that they’re incredibly grateful when they find a loving, forever home. Dogs should never be mistreated or harmed. Unfortunately, a lot of dogs go through terrible experiences.
Luckily, some people devote their lives to ensure animal wellbeing. Keep reading to see these dogs’ smiles as they leave the shelter!
All Smiles!
This black labrador was so happy to find a new home. He wasn’t shy to smile at the camera with its new owner. This energy-filled dog needs a lot of walks and play, which makes him ideal for his new owner, who was looking for a new buddy.

Source: science-a2z.com
Young puppies can be a handful to unprepared owners. They need a lot of exercise, stimulation, and, most of all, patience! They can be a lot to handle, hence why many end up in shelters at a young age.
The Good Life
Just look at this little sweetheart’s face! This dog knew he was going to a new, loving home and would never have to face the cold streets of the city again.

Source: parsnaz.com
Pitbulls are a type of dog that has been subject to a lot of controversies, they are deemed aggressive, but the reality is far from that. The idea comes from their muscle build and that in the past, they were used for fighting, which is illegal now. But, like so many, this pup is sweet as honey.
Overcome With Emotion
In this case, it wasn’t only the puppy that felt joy when meeting his new best friend. This boy couldn’t hide his tears when his parents surprised him with the rescued buddy. Dogs are ideal companions for any age range, family size, and lifestyle.

Source: komikler.com
Like many other animals, dogs can help humans with mental health problems such as anxiety, depression, and stress. People that live alone can find owning a pet incredibly helpful. They can even be certified as emotional support pets.
Fur-Ball Of Happiness
This lady needed someone to keep her company, as someone that enjoys long, slow walks and her quiet reading time, she thought a puppy would be a handful, and that’s when the shelter found her perfect match!

Source: yaplakal.com
This elderly dog was very grateful when she found an owner. Since most people want to adopt puppies, it gets tricky for shelters to allocate dogs that are in their older stages. Luckily this little fellow found someone who would love her forever.
A New Beginning
This pair found each other and are the absolute happiest! Sometimes people are looking for specific dog breeds, and even though that’s ok, rescued puppies tend not to be of a particular breed and don’t have the aesthetic a pedigree dog does. And that’s ok too!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Just because a dog isn’t like the ones in movies doesn’t mean they’re not going to bring as much joy to your life. If anything, rescue dogs tend to be the most loyal. This man gave an older dog a chance. They’re all smiles!
Naptime Buddies
After a day full of playing, jumping, and running, a nap in the backseat of the car sounds just about right. This magnificent duo had a blast. They were so tired that they cuddled up because that’s what best friends do!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Kids gain a lot from having pets. They become responsible and learn to develop healthy relationships, empathy, and non-verbal communication. Shy kids can learn about trust and social skills. Whilst active kids can learn discipline and responsibility. Everyone can benefit from having a pet.
Life After The Shelter
After going through many shelters, this man found his perfect match in an old labrador called Gus. The dog had gone through a very rough life and had finally healed his wounds. Now he was ready to find a forever home. He did in someone that would always love and take care of him.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Many dogs that live in shelters have to go through a lot of veterinary procedures before they can be put on adoption. This is why donating to animal rescue charities is always a safe bet.
Sleepy Time
This little one finally rested after going through a very stressful start. But how he’s cuddling up to his new owner makes it clear how happy and trusting he is of his new environment. Not many dogs are lucky enough to find caring homes from the start.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
And shelters can only offer so much individual attention to puppies, as there are many other priorities. So when puppies find their new parents, there is a big chance they will become lap dogs.
Puppy Eyes
Try naming something more adorable than this picture. This puppy’s eyes can make anyone’s heart melt in love. This sweet tiny boxer pup was the baby of a rescued dog and was born in a shelter. It didn’t take him very long to find a family when he was old enough to leave his mother’s side.

Source: yaplakal.com
His new owner is so lucky. Imagine waking up to those huge eyes! Owning a dog is no easy feat, but we’re sure this pup will be loved forever.
Fun In The Sun
This puppy was all smiles during her first trip to the park with her new family. The relief of finally being able to relax and play is a joy every canine should have the right to feel. Indeed she was a fast learner of all doggy games like catch and frisbee!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Even when you can’t adopt them, dogs in shelters really appreciate it when someone stops by to play for a while. So if you’re not ready to commit, you can always have a playdate at your local shelter.
Kisses For Mom!
Dogs will show their affection in many ways, but the cutest one by far is “dog kisses” . This little puppy couldn’t contain the happiness of meeting his new dog mom and showering her with licks. It is scientifically proven that dogs lick to show how much they like you.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
This cute picture is just another example of the amount of love that can exist between humans and animals. While we can’t communicate with words, we can communicate and show our affection through action and, of course, cuddles!
A Second Chance
It’s common for people who want a dog to get a young puppy because they think it will be easier, but sometimes this is far from the truth. Pups need a lot of attention and can be mischievous and energetic. Some people get so upset about their young puppies that instead of being patient with them, they simply put them out in the streets.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
That is awful. If you want a companion but wish to avoid a hyperactive puppy, maybe the answer is adopting an older dog.
Lap Dog From The Start
This dog knows where he belongs, and that’s the front seat! Nobody will naysay him. He knows he’s the king of the house now! And with good reason. Just look at that adorable face. Good things are to come for this family.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Although dog faces are vastly different from humans, it’s incredible how expressive they can be. Dogs have evolved next to humans for hundreds of years, so they have learned a particular non-verbal communication with us. That’s why they’re man’s best friend!
K-9 Cuddle Support Service
This police officer saved this puppy from a dangerous place, and in return, it seems to have caused a heartwarming effect on him. Although officials have to be very disciplined in their jobs, this tiny fur ball got to his gentle side.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
The police officer decided to keep him forever! He even got him a little sweater. After going through so much, this is a blessing. We wonder if he will be a stay-at-home puppy or if he will go to K-9 training after this.
You Can’t Beat That Smile
There’s no way someone could deny this dog is the most adorable thing your eyes have ever seen. When considering adoption, remember that mixed-breed dogs are just as loving and good-looking as pure breeds.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Also, thanks to the genetic diversity in mixed-breed dogs, they aren’t as prone to inherited diseases. So owners won’t have to worry as much about vet consultations and expensive medicine. However, checkups are always essential to keep in mind for dogs that have gone through a rough past.
A Hug-Inducing Affair
This dog’s excitement was expressed through a big hug and kisses to his new family. After living in a cold, lonely shelter, finding a home must be an extraordinary feeling. Dogs are an endless source of love and affection that brighten up any person’s day.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
There has been exhaustive scientific research about gratefulness in animals, and it has been proven that even though it is expressed in different ways than humans, many animals can show signs of being grateful to people who have been nice to them.
The Most Adorable Alarm Clock
This paw-pal is the perfect alarm clock, and one to surely make you smile instead of groan and ignore. What better way of waking up than being licked in the nose by your puppy? You can’t possibly miss that cuteness!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Dogs tend to do very well with routine, so if waking up early is your jam, a dog might be a perfect companion to your daily life. A dog is a great teacher for those who struggle with discipline but want to get better.
New Home Joy
There are no words to describe the joy of finally finding a new home and family after being neglected for so long. This good boy will be cared for and loved forever!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Dogs sometimes struggle to adapt to new homes, even if they’re very grateful to be with a family that loves them. Dogs usually take around three weeks to adjust to a new routine and home. But naturally, no dog is the same, and this process can take more or less time.
Picture Perfect
This little fellow is a natural model! He knows how to look good in a picture. He could be a model for a dog food company in the future! This little boy has great days ahead of him. We can tell his family loves him very deeply.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
We can’t believe some dogs are mistreated by their owners, but this is a harsh reality. Luckily, authorities worldwide have passed laws to ensure animal safety, proving very successful. In the near future, no dog will have to go through bad times.
Cuteness Overload
This little girl couldn’t hold her excitement when meeting her new best friend for the first time. This couple of cuties will grow up together and go through the ups and downs of life, but having each other will be a fun adventure. She will forever carry her puppy in her heart.

Source: acidcow.com
Children often want puppies, but parents can’t always handle caring for a dog on top of their responsibilities. This being said, dogs can be great additions to families, as they are great caretakers and house guardians.
Show ‘Em Those Whites
Look at this million-dollar smile! Rex has the cleanest teeth in town and isn’t afraid of showing them off, especially in silly pictures. This good-looking boy was mistreated by his first owner during his first years of life. Fortunately, he was saved by a local dog rescue association.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
When he was first adopted, he struggled to adapt to his new family, he was scared of everything, and even though he’s a big dog, he was overwhelmed by fear. Eventually, he got used to the good life.
Family Portrait
This couple was ready to take the next step in their relationship, adopting a dog! They did the right thing, and instead of buying one, they attended a local adoption event where they found their new family member.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
An animal control unit in Detroit was the one that found the Pitbull. They then handed her over to the local animal rescue center, where they treated her and got her ready to find a forever home. This happy family will have a great time together!
Safety First
No laws dictate how a dog should ride in a car. If you have a large dog, it will likely go in the back end, but it gets tricky for small dogs. That’s when creativity has to kick in!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
This family wanted to ensure their tiniest family member was safe during car trips, and even though there are car seats made especially for dogs, they can be very costly. Using a basket and a towel, this god boy seems to be having a blast!
The Beginning Of Something Great
This picture captures a moment both dog and human will never forget, adoption day! They both look so happy to have found each other that it almost feels like fate. Rescue dogs are incredibly thankful when they find a family that will love and respect them.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
It’s not easy knowing when you’re ready to adopt a dog, so it’s advisable for anyone considering adoption to do a lot of research beforehand. From space limitations, routines, and even budget, owning a dog isn’t for everyone.
Playful Pup
Similar to Pitbulls, Bull Terriers have a reputation for being aggressive, but the truth is they are an incredibly loyal breed. Even though they can be stubborn at times, they tend to be playful and very loving.

Source: pawbuzz.com
Bull terriers are excellent family dogs because of their active and protective nature. They are smart enough to recognize friends from foes. This picture is so adorable because it pictures how tender this dog is when surrounded by love. Every dog deserves to have a good home.
Made For Each Other
Gloria and Ruby met at an adoption event, and it couldn’t have been a better match! Gloria suffered from depression and was trying to get better. Ruby, on the other hand, had spent years going from shelter to shelter without any luck because of her older age and weak health.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
When Gloria found Ruby, she knew she was the one, and it worked out so well Gloria’s depression faded almost wholly! Dogs can be lifesavers in unpredictable ways, especially for those struggling with mental health.
Happy New Life
Fluke had a rough start in life, it isn’t sure how old he was when he was rescued from the dire situation he was in, but that didn’t matter to his new dog dad. He was going to be loved and taken care of regardless.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Dogs can bring out the best in people because these animals don’t care about the superficial problems we do. They care about all of the good things in life. It’s so good when dogs can find someone to care for them regardless of their looks.
Say Cheese!
After meeting for the first time at the shelter, this was the first selfie together, and you can tell how happy they both are! These smiles irradiate genuine happiness. We wish them a happy future and lots of playtimes!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Whether it’s an old or young dog, they all deserve to be loved and cared for. Next time you’re looking for a pet, make sure to check out your local shelter. You might get lucky and find your canine soulmate there.
Doggy Dancing
This dog has got the moves! He was so happy about being adopted that he showed off his excellent dancing skills in the shelter. Everyone in this picture is glowing with happiness, and we’re glad that once more, a shelter has provided a second chance in life to a dog with a rough start.

Source: reddit.com
We can only imagine the hours of fun this family will have, going for walks, running around, and playing catch. This boy will also learn responsibility and discipline, which is essential for anyone.
A Fun Pair
This boy looks so happy welcoming his new family member. It seems like these two will adapt very well together. The puppy has relief in his eyes. Who knows what terrible things happened to him in the past? Now, they will have to be patient with one another and play lots of games.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Children can really benefit from being surrounded by animals. They can learn a lot about life when they have to be responsible for another being. It also helps tackle loneliness and sedentarism.
A Heartwarming Encounter
It seems like this little fellow landed in the right place. His smile says it all! This adorable pair looks so happy to have each other. They will care for each other forever. This furry boy found comfort in his boy’s lap, and the boy is embracing him as well.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
We can only imagine how nice this puppy must feel, knowing that he will have a roof over his head and a family that will love him forever. It truly is a miracle they found him.
Chomp Chomp
This little pup still has a long way to go with his new owner, but for now, he is having fun with his newly growing teeth. This little furball is a Golden doodle, a breed that has become quite trendy in the past few years. It’s a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Golden doodles are known for being very intelligent and loyal. They love playing and running, so they’re perfect for someone looking for an enthusiastic and social dog.
Fluffy Hugs
What a cute picture! Imagine coming home to one of these soft hugs every day! This kid is very lucky to have such a cute dog that loves him so much. Probably because love is a reciprocal act, where one receives what one gives.

Source: vikilife.com
This pair is so happy to have each other. We’re sure they will also have a lot of fun together. With that massive coat, he must be the warmest cuddle buddy, perfect for winter. We wish the best for them.
One Step At A Time
Penny, the rescue dog, seems a little bit nervous about her situation, she probably doesn’t know she will finally be adopted and will never have to go through hunger, cold or loneliness ever again! Most dogs will be weary at first, it’s not always smiles for them because they know no better.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
When her new owner saw her at the shelter, he knew she was the one, she was so shy and frail. But soon she will be out and about, and will discover the world is a beautiful place.
New Home Selfie
What a smile! This little boy has been adapting well to his new garden and expressed it to the camera with a delightful demonstration of his pearly whites. It must be a life-changing experience for a dog to get adopted, because going from one shelter to another must be so excruciating.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Hopefully, in the near future, dogs will be more respected by all of society. If everyone took care of nature and the blessings it offers us, it would undoubtedly be a better place.
Best Friends Forever
There’s no denying that dogs are human’s best friends. And this picture is proof of that! Look at the joy this boy hugs his little puppy with. He is probably an incredible friend to his dog.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Children have a lot of empathy for animals, and even though they might not know many technicalities of how to care for them, there seems to be an instinct of love. Maybe it’s because kids, like animals, have a sense of innocence that adults aren’t in contact with as much.
Grins and Laughter
These smiles don’t lie! This pair loves each other effusively, and they seem to have a lot of fun together. Gonzo was abandoned by his previous owner, and finding someone to take care of him was complicated.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Gonzo is a Rottweiler, and they have a bad reputation for being aggressive, but with good training and lots of exercise and love, they can be as gentle as any dog. Luckily, Gonzo has that and more with his new owner, as they always have a blast!
Pure Bliss
Finding the perfect dog match isn’t easy, some people have to search for months until they find the dog they want in their lives, but one thing is sure, it will come! Because dogs are so eclectic, they can be big, small, playful, or calm, it’s a matter of patience.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
This was the case for this owner, who was glad to find her perfect match in a small-sized brown dog. They look so happy together that it seems like they are meant to have each other.
Sweet Like Chocolate
This puppy was the runt of the litter, and even though he was malnourished during his beginnings, he made up when he arrived at the shelter. During an adoption event, a family saw him, and it was an immediate yes!

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
This cutie-pie will now be loved forever, and he seems to know it by the grin on his face. What a joyful life lies ahead of him. Full of playtime and antics, there will be many stories to tell in this furball’s future.
A True Fashionista
This gentle dog was at an adoption event at a pet store, and the first thing her new parents did after signing off the adoption papers was buying her all the toys and accessories possible. She was soon showing off her new collar and bows with a huge smile on her face.

Source: lifestyle-a2z.com
Adoption events are great ways to find a new furry family member. This pampered girl knew she was off to a bright start with her new family. What a lucky puppy!